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Advanced React Security Patterns

Learn how to Secure your React Apps for the Real World


Authentication and Security for today's React landscape isn't straight-forward

Figuring out how to wire up a fully-authenticated React app can be a nightmare.

Should I use JSON Web Tokens or cookies and sessions? How do I properly protect my data? What happens if users inspect my React code in the browser?

What about when I'm making an app with Gatsby or Next?

What about serverless functions?

What about GraphQL??

What if I want to use a third-party auth provider?!

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ryan chenkie

Learn React security from the ground up. I'll teach you everything I know about security for React apps.

I've spent years working in React codebases where security is a chief concern. I also spent nearly three years working at Auth0 where I learned a ton about auth and security. I'd like to teach you everything I know about how to secure your React apps so that you don't need to spend all that time figuring it out as you go.

What's in the Box?


Refreshing JSON Web Tokens

Applications that use JSON Web Tokens most likely need some way of refreshing those tokens when they expire. Since token lifetimes should be kept short, and since we don't want users to need to log back into our applications every time the token expires, we need a way of getting a fresh token on demand. The way to accomplish this is with refresh tokens.

In this module, we'll cover what refresh tokens are, how they're used to get new access tokens, where they should be stored, and more.


Run the App and API

1m 38s


User Experience Problems with JWTs

4m 37s


How Refresh Tokens Work

4m 41s


Add an API Proxy

2m 49s


Add a Refresh Token Model

2m 34s


Save the Refresh Token in a Cookie

4m 13s


Switching to Cookies and Sessions

It's common to see React applications use JSON Web Tokens for authentication. This mechanism can be especially helpful when we need to access data from APIs that are served over domains that are different from the domain our React app runs on. However, JSON Web Tokens do come with some issues. These issues stem from the fact that JWTs are often used to try to replace a traditional user session, but that's not what they're intended for.

In this module, we cover how to fully protect our React app and express API using cookies and sessions. We also talk about the benefits of taking this approach.


Run the App and API

1m 30s


Add an API Proxy

2m 06s


Install and Configure express-session

7m 03s


Set a Session on Login and Signup

3m 10s


Add a Session-Based Middleware

4m 38s


Add a Logout Endpoint

2m 38s


Add a Public Axios Instance

3m 09s


Create a User Info Endpoint

4m 54s


Check if the User is Authenticated

7m 10s


Refactor AuthContext

4m 36s


Refactor Login and Signup

4m 20s


Add a CSRF Token

7m 06s


Refactor the API

2m 20s


Add a Persistent Session Store

5m 20s


Strengthen the Session Cookie

3m 41s


Third-Party Authentication Providers

There's a saying in development: "never roll your own crypto". Why not? Cryptography is hard, nuanced, easy to get wrong, and there are people way smarter than you and I that have solved it already.

The same sentiment can be applied to authentication in general. Third-party authentication providers like Auth0 exist to make it both really easy to integrate authentication in our apps and also really secure since security is the prime focus of their business.

In this module, we start by talking about the value that Auth0 offers and why you should consider using it. We then offload all of the authentication and authorization pieces of our app to Auth0.


Why Use a Third-Party Auth Provider

5m 25s


Sign Up for an Auth0 Account

2m 11s


Configure Application URLs

1m 58s


Create a User in Auth0

2m 08s


Set Up an API and Permissions

3m 04s


Add User Roles in Auth0

1m 41s


Use the Universal Login Screen

1m 50s


Install the Auth0-React SDK

5m 06s


Redirect Users to Auth0 to Log in

2m 40s


Use isLoading to Wait for Authentication

4m 59s


Use isAuthenticated to Check Auth Status

1m 57s


Get an Access Token from Auth0

6m 17s


Use a JWKS Verification Middleware

5m 02s


Augment the User's Profile with a Rule

6m 12s


Use the Auth0 Role in the React App

2m 25s


Request Scopes for an Access Token

7m 46s


Apply Scope Check Middleware to Endpoints

2m 10s


Add a Custom User ID with an Auth0 Rule

9m 04s


Allow Users to Log Out

2m 12s


Display the User's Name and Picture

1m 16s


Remove AuthContext, Login, and Signup

4m 00s


Renew Access Tokens

5m 15s


Authentication and Authorization for GraphQL

Authentication and authorization for GraphQL-based apps is done in almost the same way as would be done if we were using JSON endpoints. We can either use JSON Web Tokens, sending them to the server in an authorization header, or we can send cookies and rely on sessions on the backend.

There are, however, some important distinctions. The biggest changes come in on the server where we need some new concepts to make authentication and authorization checks before our data is resolved and sent back to the client.

In this module, we work from a version of the app that is fully GraphQL-based. We see how to send JWTs to the server from Apollo on the front end and then how to authorize requests on the backend using two methods: resolver auth checks and custom schema directives.


Run the App and API

1m 14s


Tour the GraphQL Implementation

7m 17s


Include a JWT in a GraphQL Request

3m 18s


Add the User to the GraphQL Context Object

5m 58s


Check Authorization in a Resolver

3m 19s


Add a Function to Check the User's Role

4m 58s


Define an Auth Schema Directive

2m 52s


Add a Custom Directive Class

2m 34s


Complete the Auth Directive Class

8m 33s


Apply the Auth Directive to the Schema

3m 07s


Use the User's Sub Claim

1m 43s


Redirect to the Login Page

3m 07s


Authentication and Authorization for GatsbyJS

A Gatsby app is really just a React app, so it's tempting to think that authentication and authorization can be accomplished exactly how it would be in a more "vanilla" React application. In fact, it is mostly the same, but there are some important distinctions because of how Gatsby builds files for distribution.

In this module, we'll apply authentication to the marketing page of our application and see how to work in the relevant pieces to make everything run smoothly for building and deploying the Gatsby site.


Tour the Gatsby App Setup

3m 30s


Run the App API

1m 56s


Wrap the Root Element with Providers

4m 10s


Create Client-Side Routes

7m 28s


Add a Private Route

4m 30s


Make Login and Signup be Client-Side Routes

3m 22s


Check the Environment when Building the App

2m 03s


Authentication and Authorization for Next.js

Next.js apps occupy a peculiar space when it comes to thinking about how authentication and authorization should be applied. How should we think about a "logged-in user" in a server-side rendering world? What are the ways we can serve the assets for the app and fill in the authentication pieces at runtime?

In this module, we'll build the Orbit app on Next.js and see the different ways we can apply authentication and authorization to it.


Install Dependencies and Run the App

1m 23s


Tour the Next.js Project Code

3m 55s


Make Calls for Data on the Server Side

4m 37s


Add an Authorization Middleware

4m 00s


Add an Admin Authorization Middleware

4m 00s


Check for Authentication on the Client

4m 00s


Check for the Admin Role on the Client

4m 00s


Serverless Authentication

Serverless functions give us the ability to run code on-demand and only pay for what we use. Serverless is an attractive option because it's cheaper and much more scalable than a traditional server deployment. If we want to have authenticated serverless functions, there are a few things we need to consider. How do we manage logins and signups? How do we authorize requests? Where do we store secrets to verify tokens against?

In this module, we'll move to serverless functions for our API and we'll see how to fully authenticate requests to them. We'll use Netlify functions which themselves are based on AWS Lambda.


Run the App and API

0m 52s


Sign Up for Netlify

1m 45s


Set Up a Directory for Serverless Functions

3m 23s


Create a Basic Serverless Function

6m 33s


Configure a Proxy to Netlify

2m 31s


Configure a Proxy to Netlify

3m 33s


Check Authorization in a Serverless Function

4m 58s


Connect to a Database from a Serverless Function

3m 22s


Query a Database from a Serverless Function

3m 34s


Add a Role Check

2m 24s


Challenge: Complete the Remaining Endpoints

1m 38s

Interviews with React Experts

I sat down to chat with folks in the React community to get their take on auth and security for React apps. They share tips, tricks, and lessons learned from their experience building secure React applicatons.s


Kent C. Dodds


Eve Porcello


Ben Awad


Kyle Shevlin


Dave Ceddia


Sam Julien


Kadi Kraman


Jason Lengstorf


Christian Nwamba


Chris Sevilleja


Why would I buy this? I can get the same info for free online!

That’s true! Everything you’ll learn in this course can also be found online for free. But be prepared to have 87 tabs open and spend countless hours in trial and error mode.

This course gives you all the in-depth security content you need and gets straight to the point. You’ll have your React app secure much, much faster than you otherwise would cobbling together tutorials and code samples strewn across the internet.

Why should I listen to you?

I spent almost three years working at Auth0 where I learned a ton about app security, specifically about topics concerning authentication and authorization. I was fortunate to be able to absorb a ton of knowledge from brilliant engineers who specialize in identity. Since leaving Auth0, I’ve focused on building security-focused applications for businesses of all sizes. In short, I’ve learned a lot about application security and I want to share that knowledge with you.

What If I want a refund?

If you are unhappy with the content for any reason, you’ll get a refund immediately. No questions asked.

Aren’t JSON Web Tokens an anti-pattern?

It depends who you ask. This famous article advocates that you don’t use them. At the same time, companies like Auth0 have built their entire business around the usage of JSON Web Tokens.

This course presents both options for securing your React application: using JSON Web Tokens and using cookies and sessions. You’ll learn the upsides and downsides of each and how to decide on which to use.

What about updates?

Things change and, in tech, they change fast. This course will be kept up-to-date with any relevant new info that comes up, including considerations for breaking changes and security patches to packages used throughout.



Kent C. Dodds

"If you asked me who would be the best teacher to learn about authentication from, Ryan would be the first person to pop into my mind. His depth of experience and willingness to share his knowledge is inspiring."


Kadi Kraman

"Ryan has an abundance of experience and knowledge in anything to do with security and authentication on the web. This, coupled with his well-paced, friendly manner of explaining things makes him the perfect instructor."


Ben Awad

"Ryan and authentication go together like peanut butter and jelly. Prepare yourself for the best authentication sandwich you've ever tasted."


Kyle Shevlin

"If there's anything you want to get absolutely right in an app, it's security. You want nothing less than total confidence that your code is working exactly as you expect. Advanced React Security Patterns by Ryan will give you that confidence."


Dave Ceddia

"Authentication in React has long been one of those things where every tutorial out there glosses over the messy parts, but Ryan dives right in and explains everything beautifully. Ryan & this course will help you understand how to do auth right."


James Q Quick

"I've been following Ryan in the authentication space for a few years now. There's no one better at explaining the technical details of security in a way that everyone can understand!"


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Basic Package

Lifetime access and forever free updates

Full source code for all modules

5 of 7 Modules

  • Refreshing JSON Web Tokens
  • Using Cookies and Sessions
  • Authentication and Authorization for GraphQL
  • Authentication and Authorization for Gatsby Apps
  • Authentication and Authorization for Next.js Apps

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Pro Package

Lifetime access and forever free updates

Full source code for all modules

All 7 Modules

  • Refreshing JSON Web Tokens
  • Using Cookies and Sessions
  • Third-Party Authentication Providers
  • Authentication and Authorization for GraphQL
  • Authentication and Authorization for Gatsby Apps
  • Authentication and Authorization for Next.js Apps
  • Authentication and Authorization for Serverless Functions

10 interviews with React experts, including: Kent C. Dodds, Ben Awad, Eve Porcello, Jason Lengstorf, Kadi Kraman, Dave Ceddia, Chris Sevilleja, Sam Julien, and Christian Nwamba

Access to the ReactSecurity Slack where you can ask for help, communicate with other learners, and increase your knowledge from the community

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Passing my security knowledge on to you

I've spent a lot of time thinking about application security over the last five years. Much of that time was spent working at Auth0 where I learned a lot about how to properly deal with authentication and authorization in web applications, including those built with React.

I'm building ReactSecurity to pass my knowledge on to you in hopes that we can all contribute to building a safer, more secure web.

Ryan Chenkie

Full-Stack JavaScript Developer

Elevate Digital

© 2023 Elevate Digital Inc